Class EfficientWorld

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class EfficientWorld : public SymWorld

Public Functions


Input: None

Output: None

Purpose: To destruct the data nodes belonging to EfficientWorld to conserve memory.

void Setup()

Definitions of setup functions, expanded in

Input: None.

Output: None.

Purpose: Prepare the world for a simulation by applying the configuration settings and populating the world with efficient hosts and efficient symbionts.

void SetupHosts (long unsigned int *POP_SIZE)

Input: The number of efficient hosts.

Output: None.

Purpose: To populate the world with efficient hosts with appropriate phenotypes.

void SetupSymbionts (long unsigned int *total_syms)

Input: The number of efficient symbionts.

Output: None.

Purpose: To populate the world with efficient symbionts with appropriate phenotypes.

void CreateDataFiles()

Input: None.

Output: None.

Purpose: To create and set up the data files (excluding for phylogeny) that contain data for the efficient condition experiment.

emp::DataFile &SetupEfficiencyFile(const std::string &filename)

Input: The address of the string representing the file to be created’s name

Output: The address of the DataFile that has been created.

Purpose: To set up the file that will be used to track mean efficiency

emp::DataMonitor<double> &GetEfficiencyDataNode()

Input: None

Output: The DataMonitor<double>& that has the information representing the symbiont’s efficiency.

Purpose: To collect data on the lysis burst size to be saved to the data file that is tracking lysis burst size.