Coding guidelines and review checklist

This document is for those who want to contribute code or documentation fixes to the Symbulation project and describes our coding standards as well as our code review process.

This document has been adapted from the khmer project

C++ standards

We use C++17 features throughout the project and currently that is the de-facto standard version to use.

All code should be in header files for ease of inclusion into Emscripten projects.

Files that define a single class should be named after that class. Files that define sets of functions or multiple classes should have an all-lowercase name that describes its contents.

All files and all directories must be levelized. This is partly enforced through all files being header files (and thus we cannot have circular dependencies), but for clean coding practices (and easy of unit testing) whole directories should not refer to each other bidirectionally either. See Large-Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos for a strong pro-levelization argument.

In-code identifier formatting is always hard to settle upon. The guidelines below are for consistency.

  • Variable names should be all_lowercase, with words separated by underscores

  • Function names should be CamelCase() unless they are meant to mimic a function from the C++ standard library, at which point they can be all_lowercase to fit in.

  • User-defined types should be CamelCase

  • Constants should be ALL_UPPERCASE, with words separated by underscores

  • Template parameters should be ALL_UPPERCASE.

  • Typedefs should match the casing of the types they are aliasing. For example, a typedef on a template parameter might be all uppercase, while a typedef on a user-defined type should be CamelCase.

Guidelines based on Emscripten Limitations

  • Try to avoid use of 64-bit integers (that is, the “long long” type). Emscripten has to emulate these and they can cause a notable slowdown.

  • Do not rely on exceptions when possible. Emscripten is slow at dealing with them and they can slow down code even when not triggered.

  • Do not write multithreaded code that uses shared state. Javascript cannot (yet) handle such code and as such Emscripten cannot compile it. Note that Emscripten does have experimental support of pthreads.

  • Obviously, do not use any architecture-specific tricks, such as assuming endianness, doing unaligned reads or writes, directly accessing registers, etc.

Please see the Emscripten doc page for a full list.

General Standards

All plain-text files should have line widths of 100 characters or less unless that is unsupported for the particular file format.

All contributions should have their spelling checked before being committed to the codebase.

Vim users can run:

    :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us

to automagically check the spelling within the file being edited.

It’s expected that before requesting a code review the author of the PR will have checked the code. It’s also expected that whomever reviews the PR will check the code individually as well. Though the CI runs most of these and will pass/fail the PR accordingly it is not infallible and the whole point of having a code review process is to have human eyes go over the changes to the codebase.