Guide to Testing in Symbulation

This document details how testing works in Symbulation, both for writing and understanding tests.

Running Tests

In the root directory of Symbulation, use the maketarget test, like so:

make test

The tests will compile and execute automatically, and you should see output that looks something like this:

g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wno-unused-function -std=c++17 -I../Empirical/include/ source/catch/ -o symbulation.test
# Execute tests
All tests passed (592 assertions in 70 test cases)

Writing Tests

It is required that contributions to the Symbulation library have test coverage. Though writing tests can be a complex task in some cases, it can also be easy to do.

In general the best way to understand how to write tests is to look at the existing tests. Each header file in source/ has a file full of tests ending with “”. We recommend browsing through those files.

The test cases should have the following layout:

TEST_CASE("Test name goes here", "[test classification here]")
        // body of test

Within a test case you can use the REQUIRE macro like an assert, to require certain conditions within the test:

REQUIRE(1==1); // will pass, obviously
REQUIRE(1==0); // will fail, and Catch will complain

If a REQUIRE fails, the compiler will give an error when you run “make test”.